.....this was my life Saturday. The day started with a run to what is now our "old" shop to get one more complete load in my Tuscan. Then I followed a volunteer driver to the new shop. This driver was pulling our shop foreman's office trailer. Upon merging onto the interstate a the roadside rear outside tire blew. Oy, that scared the bejeezers out of me! I stayed well behind the trailer not knowing when or if any of the tire would come off. I started praying at that moment. I prayed for protection to surround nearby drivers....the volunteer driver....me! Well, God answered my prayer because about 3 1/2 miles up the road one of the a/c's fell out from the side of the trailer and crashed into the center lane causing a pick up to have to dodge it. I slammed on my brakes to slow down as it bounced toward the side of the road. A few air filters that were on a shelf inside the trailer also came tumbling out into the road. No harm done to anyone or anything.....well, except the poor a/c. Thank you Jesus! I was never so glad to see that driver turn into the new yard. Too much adrenaline for that early in the a.m. I then proceeded to start the fun, fun task of opening boxes, emptying boxes, breaking down boxes and then trying to figure out where to put everything. This went of for 7 hours before I realized I was brain dead and needed caffeine and ibuprofens! I said goodbye to the mess and left. Here are some photos of us packing up the old shop & some shots of the new place.
Josh & Billy loading up desks, file cabinets & the fridge onto the flatbed trailer.
My now very bare office!
A view of the old place that has served us well (atleast until the last several years) for almost 20 years!
Jeff, Bill, and Darrell loading up what I believe is an air compressor.
A shot of mine & Brittany's new office. We have a 5ft partition panel going between our desks but it won't be in for another week. So, we are stuck looking at each other for the next week. Poor Brit!!!!
I LOVE this shot! Here is how I would caption it..."Dad, letting the guys know that he is still the OWNER of this company and he will not stand for any slacking around. Get up off your duffs and get to work. Time is money and you don't make money sitting on your rear!" LOL, totally kidding around here :)
Here they are actually working!
After showering and changing clothes I headed out the door to take some photos of my nephew, Jesse, and his girlfriend, Angie, before they left for Jesse's senior prom. Here are some photos of them (aren't they so cute?)!!
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