Life Scraps
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

I am back!!! The last few months of last year (lol) were just a blur. I went on a deep cleaning spree in my home and the results are beyond what I could have imagined. You really don't grasp how the clutter around you effects your mentality until it is gone and you have a clean & organized living space. I walk in my front door everyday now and go "ahhhhh".

With a new year comes a new word to focus on. I have decided on the word {habits}. It seemed as I progressed through the year 2010 my horrible habit of procrastination was becoming more and more my home, my health, my weight, my spiritual growth and even getting out the door to arrive places 'on time'. That is something I have never had a problem with. Well, it was seriously grating on my nerves. It just seems the right fit to choose the word {habits} for 2011. I want to change the bad/negative habits to good/positive ones.

I sat down and made a list of 11 {habits} I wish to focus on in 2011. Of course, if you know me well you knew I would scrap a layout about my word and list. Here it is.....

Each photo corresponds to something on my list. My list (in no particular order) is:

1. Keep up with Project: Love, Me layouts each week (more on that project in a bit)
2. Call 1 person a week and check-in - ask for prayer requests
3. Snail mail 1 person/month a "thinking of you" card
4. Set $$ back each week for my Vegas trip (Digiscrap-apalooza)
5. Have quiet time/Bible time each day
6. Clean out car once a week of clutter
7. Keep to a daily house cleaning schedule
8. Blog personally a minimum of once a month
9. Keep up with CT responsibilities each week
10.Have gifts for special events 2 weeks ahead of time
11.End 2011 knowing I did my best change my {habits}

Project: Love, Me - this is a weekly scrapbooking challenge I am participating in that will help me document "me" for the entire year. Life is screaming by at break neck speed anymore. I don't know how it is even possible I turned 40 in 2010. The fact is, I did and the time is not going to slow down. With this project, which you can read more about HERE, I plan to dig deep down and record the things that make me, me! In 10, 20 or 30 years from now I can pick up this scrapbook of 52 layouts and recall what my dreams were....what made me laugh.....what made me cry.......what angered me in the year 2011. It will also give family members coming up behind me a piece of myself for them to remember me by.

Here are the first two layouts I have done for the project. The first is the opening page of the scrapbook..........the "pre-prompt" page.

This is the page I created for Prompt #1 (there will be 52 prompts all together). Our first prompt was to create a page of what we dream about the present day. I realize the font I used is very hard to read but I truly love it (Saint Andrews Queen is the name of it). My chosen "dream" was to reach a healthy weight and why. It is very hard to put your feelings out there like this but at the same time, so rewarding.

I will be back with more since once of my new {habits} is to blog more often. For now, I must go get laundry folded and put away.



di basnett said...

Hi Helen,
Loving the new fact we chose the same header graphic. Looking forward to reading all about your life over the coming year. Cheers, Di