Life Scraps
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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Evening Post

I should be at church right now voting in our choice for an interim pastor but I have been horribly nauseated since waking from my nap earlier. I knew better than to let myself fall asleep.

The weekend was busy but not as much as last weekend. Friday night we took the stray pup that found his way to our business last week to the vet for shots and a check up.

Saturday I slept in and worked on laundry through out the day while I just kicked back and did some much needed scrapbooking. Saturday evening I met up with friends to go play putt-putt golf but since it was just 3 of us and it was extremely chilly outside we decided to forego an outdoor activity. Instead we went to a Chinese joint and Diana and I watched Sheila eat. Diana and I had already eaten so were not hungry. Then it was probably our last trip to Bobby's Frozen Custard for a Turtle Sundae and back to Sheila's to eat it where it was warm. I pooped out at 10 pm and decided to go home since I wanted to make the 8a.m. service the next morning.

I have done alot of scrapping this week & weekend. Considering I have not done much the past few weeks it felt very good to get some pages completed. I will leave you with my accomplishments since I am ready to go get a shower now! I may have posted some of these already but not sure so I am sorry if I am repeating myself!!
This was a Scrap Orchard challenge to scrap without using a photograph. I used 2 great kits to make this layout. Java Mama by Faith True & Cafe Date by Irene Alexeeva. Click on the image to be taken to my gallery post where you can read the journaling.
Another LO I did for the same challenge. I used the kit, Urban Dreamer, by Amy Stoffel. You can click in the image to go to my gallery post that has the journaling typed out.
I have had this photo of Trevor and I since June of this year and it was underexposed so it just sat on my hard drive. I read a tutorial this weekend for another Scrap Orchard challenge that showed me how to correct the exposure. I am still not thrilled with the photo because of the glare on my glasses but I love the photo of me & Trev so much I let it go! I used 2 kits by Amy Stoffel to create this layout....August & Autumn Garden. The word art is from TaylorMade Designs "Outside The Lines" kit.
This was done for the October Scrap Orchard RAK (random act of kindness) where you take someone else's photo and design a LO using it. I used the kit, Sand Pile, by Lorilei Murphy to do this one.
I posted this photo in my last blog post and here it is in a layout. I used the kit, Everyday, by Lorilei Murphy.
I love this photo of Trevor sitting in the rocks, especially after I did some photo editing to it. I used several kits to create this one and right now I cannot remember them (sorry)
Here is a series of photos of Trevor and his bubble mower. I think I used the kit The Bees Knees by Amy Stoffel but not quite sure at the moment.
I did this one some time ago but can't remember if I posted it. These are photos from an Autumn drive/hike in 2008. I used the kit Hanabi Hart to create this one.