Life Scraps
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Truth-Be-Told Tuesday...

There is nothing like having a thought to start swirling around in your head at 6 in the morning and know you must get ready for work.....go to work.....and try to keep that thought swirling around and not lose it!

As I read a blog post this morning, the person listed about 10 different sites to go to the help keep things simple in various areas of your life. As I read through the names of the different sites I was amazed at how many contained "mom" "parent" "marriage" in the title.

I am not against these types of sites since I have several such sites & blogposts delivered to my bloglines inbox everyday. But, it just really struck me this morning.....what about places where singles show their perspective?? And so the thought began to take form inside my head. It is a seedling of a thought at the moment. I will pray and see if God grows it into a beautiful flower or not.

So, there it truth-be-told Tuesday thought. Happy day to you :)
